Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tardiness, of the Most Green Kind

As many of us did, I found a way to celebrate Saint Paddy’s Day... like, a million weekends ago. Following the advice of this article, I kept it simple: a good, home-cooked meal and my closest company. It was a fun, low-key celebration that took us through two hearty meals.

Breakfast’s main course was an omelet, filled with green peppers, cheddar cheese, and green food dye. It was complemented by corn muffins and bacon, and – to make it traditionally Irish – a juice glass of stout and some slices of Irish cheddar. It was a filling meal, a ploughman’s breakfast if ever there was one.


Dinner was a delicious stew that, while not traditionally Irish, felt just right for the evening.

Of course, there is always the other side of the coin. Read this undercover account of Boston’s Black Rose for all sorts of Paddy’s Day ballyhoo.

In the spirit of things, enjoy these illustrations of Ireland, based on photos taken from an earlier visit. (And, by the way, that is why this post is so incredibly late).

Til next time!

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