There are some elsewheres (okay, many) that I would like to see at some point in my lifetime. Preferably sooner rather than later, but I suppose I will take what I can get. There are plenty more that I have not pictured here, but when you're really not prepared to jump on an airplane and travel (like,
not at all), a short list of six places seems a reasonable number to start with. So without further adieu, here are six places that -- if I was given a plane ticket, accommodations, spending money, time off from work, a guide book, etc., etc., you know how it goes -- I would leave tomorrow to see. Oh, and I should mention that they are presented in no particular order.
First, Rome:
Second, Istanbul:
Third, Egypt:
Fourth, Japan:
Fifth, Memphis:
Sixth, Venice:
Lastly (bonus!), New York City:
That's my shortened travel list. What's yours?
Til next time!
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