Sunday, April 29, 2012
Tilting at Windmills
Last night my girlfriend and I went to see Don Quixote at the Boston Opera House, which is architecturally marvelous (I am a sucker for intricacies and ornamentation). It was, quite honestly, awesome. First off, Don Quixote is just a great story -- who can't get behind a man who gets so swept up in a good story that he just goes out and lives it? Second, having never seen a ballet before, I did not know what to expect, but I was taken completely out of the theater and into Barcelona.
Though a bit kitty-cornered, our seats were great. We could see the whole stage up close, and when the curtain fell, the orchestra was in full-view.
La revelación sobre el ballet numero uno: There is no dialogue. Again, I had never been to a ballet before, so when Don Quixote began gesturing to other characters on stage, I quickly realized that I would have to put the story together in my head.
But that just made watching the ballet like watching a great silent movie. Okay, there are no words, but there is enough to put together a great story. Dulcinea doesn't want to marry this man; she wants to marry that man, but her dad wants her to marry the other one, and Don Quixote himself is aloof, but charming and good-natured. Got it? Okay, good to go! When performed, the story came together quite nicely.
La revelación sobre el ballet numero dos: It is long. This was clearly an epic story: three acts, two intermissions, and a three hour run time. I have been to long stage plays before. In London I saw The Lord of the Rings the Musical -- another three hour production -- but, somehow, Don Quixote felt more energetic. So, while it may have taken up the evening, it was entirely entertaining. Read a review here.
Advertisements for the ballet read, "a frosty glass of sangria on a hot summer's day!" Speaking of which, the bar offers a special Don Quixote drink for those interested.
All in all, highly recommended.
Til next time.
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Nothing like the LOTR musical as a comparison point! :D Good memories...