Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Now on Instagram!

I am delighted to announce that Don't Look Down, Beantown is now on Instagram. You can follow along on the @dontlookdownbeantown page. There you will find much excitement; already there is the Prudential Tower, Harvard, the Charlestown skyline, and doughnuts. Here, have a quick peek:

Prudential at night

Harvard's entry/exit gateway

Charlestown skyline
I know, I know. No picture of the doughnuts. What gives? Well, it's its-own-post worthy, so I am saving it for later. And, yes, it is a continuation of my Union Square saga/quest for the glorious maple bacon doughnut (parts one and two).

Truth be told, it is the renewed inspiration and passion for this little project that I am most excited about. It is easy to fall out of the habit of keeping up, especially when life gets busy. I won't lie, though, I am a bit intimidated - there is already a countless number of talented Bostonians sharing their experiences in the Bean via Instagram. I am happy to become one, too, and hopefully prove myself a distinct voice in the crowd.

Til next time!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Suspension of Disbelief

These were taken within driving distance of the city. Within sight of the Prudential. A literal hop, skip, and jump over the Charles. 

How can this be real? Below three dollars? I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just paid it.

Happy holiday travels, everyone.

Til next time!